Banned Band

Turns out MOI (Ministry of Information) gave out a last-minute “order” banning all live music. So there was this man on a key board playing the same tune all night till after midnight when a lady singer joined him, timidly signing words that didn’t make much sense (I’m not even sure she sang in English!!) We asked whether these orders were only concerned with the occasion of New Year, and the answer was yes. We shall have signing at any other time of the year except New Year. Explanations?!!!!
Advertised also fake Champaign, it was red sugary drink…
My heart still danced at 12:00 AM and I am still hoping and hopeful
Final words from my beloved Gibran
“We live only to discover beauty. All else is a form of waiting”
At 10:46 PM,
Alia said…
I was just gonna post something about last night سبقتيني
وبعدين انا قلتلج ليش؟ لأن المسيحيين - مثل ما يفكر اخواننا المسلمين - كفار وما يصير نشاركهم في أفراحهم الغريبة والماجنة وخصوصا راس السنة، بالعكس المفروض نقعد ونبجكي على حظنا
At 12:46 AM,
Jacqui said…
Now that sucks big time, I mean why the hell do you have to ban bands or live music and stuff? Ugh it's not as if they don't travel abroad and visit all those stuff there, but god forbid we have some of this here.
I just hope you still had your share of fun though :D
At 6:04 AM,
White Wings said…
well, I laughed my head off and got silly with the family..we used the negative as jocking material, it turned out ok :)
bas the method of celebration (singing) is, according to the haram-every-thing guys, haram itself, so why object to it only that day? I guess two harmas in one days is just too much :)
At 10:19 PM,
Jewaira said…
Happy New Year - anyway ;)
That was so sad & infuriating but I'm glad you saw it as a joke.
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