I see light


A picture is worth a thousand words

Arriving through my email, this picture brouhgt out all the Arabic nationalistic principles I grew up with and was religiously fed at school, however, these "calling for a stand" messages have lost all credibility . . . pictures are not worth a dime any more

What to do??


الحمدلله على السلامة يا كويت

وقفة وفاء للشيخ سعد العبدالله
ملعونة الأيام التي تضع مصائرنا في أيدي لا ترحم

والآن نعيد ونزيد

ترتيب بيت الحكم

ترتيب بيت الحكم

ترتيب بيت الحكم


Do you pick your nose?

we need to laugh, the situation here in beloved Kuwait is just getting too intense
so, if the answer to the above question is yes, or no, then take a look

التصعيد يتصاعد

الحرة أعلنت للتو أن الخرافي ذهب لمقر الشيخ سعد العبدالله طالباً مقابلته وقوبل بالرفض

We are yet to have a leader

Browsing the internet for news-websites that would give me something more definite than “members of Al-Sabah family are pledging allegiance to Shaikh Sabah Al-Ahmad,” a piece of news that means nothing and yet could mean so much, I came across this silly site. It's called Araboo. Check it out. I recommend you go to Recreation and then to Dance and check the oriental dancing suits they have on the site for sale…horrendous!!

And, we remain leaderless, is this going to be over soon?



I was a kid of the 70s, I grew up only knowing him as a leader, as a symbol. He, somehow, personified Kuwait, or Kuwait was embodied by him. When I think of my beloved homeland, his image comes dashing, like a background to my visual thoughts and memories of Kuwait. And now he's gone, with all his astonishing accomplishments and somber mistakes.

He does not represent Kuwait now to the world, as political powers of the world are keen to find out who the next leader jumping into the chair will be and are already recalculting accounts and modefying plans.

Myself and, I believe, my generation will always feel that Kuwait is forever embodied in Jaber, I doubt I will ever look at any leader to come the same way I looked at Jaber Al-Ahmad, as a symbol who provided a sense of comfort and safety and stability, despite all that happened during his reign.

May he find peace and be immersed in God's mercy..


Off to Lebanon For the Week


What If???

I have always been touched by this poem
It is about the poet's abortion experince
Here is Lucille Clifton in her

the lost baby poem

the time i dropped your almost body down
down to meet the waters under the city
and run one with the sewage to the sea
what did i know about waters rushing back
what did i know about drowningor being drowned

you would have been born in winter
in the year of the disconnected gas
and no car
we would have made the thin walk
over the genecy hill into the canada winds
to let you slip into a stranger's hands
if you were here i could tell you
these and some other things

and if i am ever less than a mountain
for your definite brothers and sisters
let the rivers wash over my head
let the sea take me for a spiller of seas
let black men call me stranger always
for your never named sake


في يوم، في شهر، في سنة

بالأمس كان عبدالحليم خدام نائب الرئيس السوري، واليوم نائب الرئيس السوري السابق--عددي القبس 31 ديسمبر 2005 و 1 يناير 2006
عجيب كيف تتغير الأمور في سنة، وفي يوم
وماذا عن التغطية الخجلة لأعياد رأس السنة في جرائدنا؟ يبدو أن هذه التغطية تضمحل سنة عن سنة
د.ناجي سعود الزيد مستاء من الصفحات الالكترونية لعدم القدرة على التحكم فيها ولعدم خضوعها لقانون المطبوعات "على سوئه" على حد قوله، وأنا أقول لولا هذه الصفحات الالكترونية لانفجر الناس بانحشار الكلام في بلعومهم، لكل وسيلة مسيئي استخدامها، هذا لا يسيئ للوسيلة نفسها
من قاع خليجنا...الحياة هناك جميلة وهادئة (قبل وصول الجرافات المجرمة لتعكر صفوها)... وبااااردة