I was a kid of the 70s, I grew up only knowing him as a leader, as a symbol. He, somehow, personified Kuwait, or Kuwait was embodied by him. When I think of my beloved homeland, his image comes dashing, like a background to my visual thoughts and memories of Kuwait. And now he's gone, with all his astonishing accomplishments and somber mistakes.
He does not represent Kuwait now to the world, as political powers of the world are keen to find out who the next leader jumping into the chair will be and are already recalculting accounts and modefying plans.
Myself and, I believe, my generation will always feel that Kuwait is forever embodied in Jaber, I doubt I will ever look at any leader to come the same way I looked at Jaber Al-Ahmad, as a symbol who provided a sense of comfort and safety and stability, despite all that happened during his reign.
May he find peace and be immersed in God's mercy..