
I was a kid of the 70s, I grew up only knowing him as a leader, as a symbol. He, somehow, personified Kuwait, or Kuwait was embodied by him. When I think of my beloved homeland, his image comes dashing, like a background to my visual thoughts and memories of Kuwait. And now he's gone, with all his astonishing accomplishments and somber mistakes.
He does not represent Kuwait now to the world, as political powers of the world are keen to find out who the next leader jumping into the chair will be and are already recalculting accounts and modefying plans.
Myself and, I believe, my generation will always feel that Kuwait is forever embodied in Jaber, I doubt I will ever look at any leader to come the same way I looked at Jaber Al-Ahmad, as a symbol who provided a sense of comfort and safety and stability, despite all that happened during his reign.
May he find peace and be immersed in God's mercy..
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with what you said. No other leader will ever be Jaber Al Ahmad. Streets feel depressing. News are even more depressing. And do you know what's more depressing? People going out with their lives, without any iota of consideration as who this person was -or still is, for that matter- and what he did to this country. It's not like we should sit at home and mourn him, but at least we should have some respect.. urgh, am i being too dramatic here?
A friend of mine gave me a link to this flash thingy, it really got me crying a river or two. Just wanted to share it
At 4:48 AM,
you-sif said…
فعلا كبرنا وكبر حبنا له
بدون ارادة منا بل هو حب تلقائي لقائدنا الحبيب
نشاركك هذا الشعور ... ولكنه ليس لجيل السبعينات فقط كما ذكرتي
بل لكل الأجيال
ودائما نراه مرادفا للكويت
خالص عزائي لكِ ولكل من يحب ديرتنا الحلوة
يا لطيف
At 5:01 AM,
White Wings said…
You are only being true to your emotions, but life does go on and "forgetfullness" makes its way to our pains and is just how life is I guess, no disrespect intended, just how we humans are
Thanks a lot for the link...really touching
May you find peace of mind and comfort in your own memories of him
شكراً على كلماتك الرقيقة، والله يحمي الكويت
At 7:49 AM,
shosho said…
I am sure you're tender feelings are shared by many people - but as you know, spring comes and goes and nothing remains the same.
لو دامت لغيرك مااتصلت اليك
May our Amir rest in peace along with all our loved ones who preceded us in the last journey.
At this stage, praying for their souls is all we can do to ease their journey.
At 8:03 AM,
shosho said…
you're = your
At 1:21 AM,
White Wings said…
very sweet and tender words..
hope we all find peace in this life and in the after one
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